Tuesday, January 27, 2009
"Hoarding" Mentality
Everywhere I watch and read, pundits, economists and armchair market experts (I do fall into the latter group) pronounce the banks are hoarding the money given them through the bailouts.
That is completely and utterly false.
The banks are not hoarding the money. What they have been, and are, doing with that money is using it, as per what little regulatory guidelines that were not gutted by our congressional folks, for the reserves of the assets they hold.
From my article "Downgrading Tomorrow";
"Any publicly traded company or any fund used for investment must have reserves matching the risk represented in the securities they hold for investment. Bond issues (which all debt based derivatives are) rated AAA need very little capital to be held in reserve as a safety net should that bond issue go belly up. This is because anything rated AAA is assumed to have little or no risk of failing. As a bond issue loses its AAA rating, each downgrade significantly raises the amount of money needed to hold in reserve by the holder of that bond.'
"In the 4th quarter of 2008, $2.3 Trillion more of these bonds were downgraded. So, the reserves needed rose, in some cases, dramatically. Please, do not think of this in terms of only the 4th quarter 2008. There have been a lot more before this, and there will be a dramatic amount after this.'
"Guess where all that money from the "bailouts" is going. That's right, almost every penny is going to the reserve accounts as these derivatives are downgraded. That money cannot be used to lend out, because it is already covering part of the loss in value of these derivatives."
In no way am I defending the banks. Their ability to make bad decision after bad decision is rather astounding. I am suggesting that unless you understand what the exact problem is, how can you possibly construct a solution?
CNBC, FOX, CNN, all the major broadcast media, and all the major print media keep parading "experts" in front of us. I have yet to hear, except by a few astute folks in the blogging world, any one of these "experts" say these words: "Before we give any money to the banks or any corporation, level3 assets must be cleared from their books. For any money given them will go directly to their reserve accounts, and cannot be used to increase productivity."
To claim the banks are "hoarding", and ignore the collapse of the assets they hold, which will require more money in the future as they are downgraded more, is at best a lie. Maybe, just maybe with some, it is a lie of ignorance. When the Chairman of the Federal Reserve or the Secretary of the Treasury intimates the banks are hoarding, that is an outright lie, and they know it.
Again, every penny given in all the bailouts is lost forever. It is, at best, a lie to suggest the American taxpayer will realize a gain on any of this bailout money. At worst, if you are a politician or able to influence investment, it is a felony to suggest this.
Until these derivatives are forced out into the open, and can be cleared from the system, our economy, no, the global economy, has no chance of recovery. Every day that goes by the losses mount. Every dollar that goes to help hide these derivatives is lost, because tomorrow they will be downgraded more.
It is hard for me to believe only a few of our congresspeople are able, or willing, to put their career on the line for the sake of our country. Those that have talked about the problem, ie Ron Paul and Brad Sherman, are ridiculed by the head in the sand majority.
Pelosi, Reid, Boehner, and McConnell all seem to be utterly clueless about the problem. Pelosi and Reid are under the devastatingly false idea that if the government creates jobs, that will fix the problem. Boehner and McConnell both voted for the first bailout package, which is a 100% loss of taxpayer money, and are only feigning disgust now because a Democrat is in the Oval office. If McCain had been elected, how do you think they would vote on the second half of the bailout program?
What did we elect them for?
I guess it is so they get to lead the lifestyle of an elite, and get a benefit package, for the rest of their life, which will allow them to never have to worry. Even in a depression.
That's a very nice gift to them, from the electorate, which pays the taxes. Especially in light of this simple fact; Over the last 15 years, congress has removed the laws that prevented the banks from leveraging themselves into oblivion. In 1998, most banks could only borrow at a 10:1 ratio. By 2006, they could leverage to a 72:1 ratio (JPMChase), 35:1 (Bear Stearns), 40:1 (Lehman Brothers), 28:1 (Citi), 32:1 (Merill Lynch), 39:1 (Wamu), 34:1 (Bank of America), and many more that are leveraged 20 times borrowed money to assets, and more.
And, in a fitting twist of gratitude, congress, along with the previous administration, decided to double your tax burden to cover their bad decisions.
Your great-grandchildren may have choice words about all of this. Unless, of course, our educational system is gutted further. The growth of private schools that teach children dinosaurs did not exist has grown by more than four hundred percent in the last ten years. Should that trend continue, your great-grandchildren may not be able to perform their multiplication tables, let alone develop independent critical thinking abilities.
The best part about the rise in these private schools - they get 60-70% of their funding from the government. So, we get kids who know who Esau was, but will never be able to calculate exponent functions of interest over time.
Funny, I guess we already have that.
Monday, January 26, 2009
The Myth of the Slow Crash
"Every single working day in the month of December 2008:
- 190 U.S. companies filed for Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
- 4,950 Individuals filed for bankruptcy protection
- 3,100 Homes went into foreclosure
- 26,190 Jobs were lost and 25,035 workers filed for unemployment insurance
The shenanigans of Wall Street and their friends in high political office often greased the system to benefit themselves. No surprise, really, except to be consistently reminded of the various methods in which it was done, and how deep the damage will be.
"Ever drive down your street and notice the lousy roads and sidewalks but the fine new school buildings, and fire and police stations? Ever wonder why? Road construction comes straight out of tax revenue, but those buildings just might be paid for using bonds floated in insider deals where tax revenue can be leveraged, leaving yet another FIRE Economy liability that will climb onto the backs of tax payers in 2009 and 2010 as local property and income tax revenues plunge and waves of municipal bond defaults mark the next stage of decline of the 1980 to 2006 FIRE Economy."
At the heart of the sudden withdrawal of Bill Richardson from the nomination as Secretary of Commerce is the price-fixing surrounding municipal bond issues. More than 30 financial services companies have been subpoenaed concerning muni bond issues across the United States.
From the NY Times concerning what happened in New Mexico;
"CDR Financial Products, of Beverly Hills, Calif., is at the heart of the federal investigation in New Mexico. Investigators there are looking at how CDR Financial came to be selected as the “swap adviser” for a $1.5 billion program — called Governor Richardson’s Investment Program, or GRIP — to raise money for road and rail construction in New Mexico."
"CDR Financial and its founder, David Rubin, gave $100,000 to two of Governor Richardson’s political action committees in 2003 and 2004, and the company earned $1.5 million for advising GRIP in 2004. A Colorado political consultant, Michael Stratton, lobbied on behalf of CDR Financial, and was paid $269,000 by JPMorgan Chase during the same period, according to regulatory filings. JPMorgan was the lead underwriter on about $1.1 billion of bond sales for GRIP."
What this means is sweetheart deals for the companies underwriting the bonds. The bond investors probably paid a lot more than they otherwise would have, and the municipalities may have been saddled with a lot more debt than can be repaid in an economic downturn.
A friend of mine asked me last week why the principal in his muni bonds, which he had bought last year, had declined by 20%. One of the reasons could be due to the economic times. Less revenue means decreased ability to levy taxes which pays off the bond issues. Also, the market makers for these bonds, who are primarily controlled by the companies that underwrote them, know something the investors don't. Many bond issues might never have a chance of returning principal.
It's good to see the Justice Department and the FBI work on behalf of the little guy, even if only occasionally.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Penny-wise, Pound-foolish
Britain on the brink of an economic collapse
The latest headline from The Telegraph in Britain."The plight facing Britain is uncannily similar to the 1930s, since prices of many assets —from shares to house prices — are falling at record rates, but the value of the debt against which they are held remains unchanged.'
"This “debt deflation” is among the most painful of all economic phenomena, since it means the amount families owe increases each year even if they borrow no more."
There is a difference between the continents concerning media reporting. Many Americans despise European media for they feel it is 'liberally' biased. Yet, as the US is in the same economic maelstrom as the British, I have yet to see headlines such as these with any of the top 50 news outlets in the US.
Oh, do not think otherwise, the United States is infected to the same degree and of the same ailments as Britain. The only difference is the US is the leading economic engine for the world, and that does count for something. But in this case, that difference will make for little variation of the end result.
Plus, what ails the global financial world was packaged and sold primarily by US investment banks. In other words, those that control the big money sitting in sovereign wealth funds and foreign central banks blame the US for this crisis. We need massive foreign purchase of our Treasuries every week just to pay the interest on the bonds we have already issued. God forbid if they run out of money, or worse yet, find something as safe with higher yield.
If gold increases in value on a sustained basis, as it has over the past week, Treasury notes yielding less than 1% will begin being sold by the droves and that money will pour into gold. That will cause two things to happen;
1) The Fed will have no buyers for new Treasuries, thus forcing interest rates on Treasuries up to attract purchase.
2) Gold is currently being hoarded. As tens of billions of dollars begin purchasing what gold is remaining on the open market, gold will begin a dramatic climb in value. It will cause an immediate spike in gold prices.
Every major news outlet in the US has been consistently wrong, everyday for the last two years, about why this is happening. Even after the Bear Stearns hedge fund debacle in June 2007, not once have I heard, or read, a journalist employed by one of the major media outlets ask a CEO "How much do you expect to lose of your level3 assets?" It's at the heart of the problem, and no one asks the question.
In fact, we have had a consistent parade of CEO's go on major television and claim that they are well capitalized, often days before the company goes bankrupt or is forced to merge. Merrill Lynch anyone? Are they really that stupid and have no clue as to their companies fiscal position? Or, with the help of "journalists" did they lie to the public, as in Jim Cramer's tirade to buy Bear Stearns, at $62, the week before it went to $2?
Asset deflation is the long term trend. The spike in gold, and silver, may be short-lived.
Get it while you can, and sell before it peaks.
As a friend of mine says when pondering a bet "Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered."
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Structured Finance Collapse
Starting in 2003, many people questioned whether I had my wits about me, and if I needed to spend some time on the "funny farm." The reason - I had become alarmed at the proliferation of debt securitization, especially debt emanating from housing, and tried, mostly in utter vain, to have conversations about what it meant, and where it would lead.
The above chart is a fabulous example of my fears in illustrative form.
To be certain, I was simply reading and researching, regurgitating what I had absorbed. Nonetheless, my fears were well founded. What the chart shows is the dramatic fall in value of large financial institutions. That fall has occurred due to devaluation of structured financial products, namely derivatives. Debt can only be claimed as asset as long as the debtor has the ability to pay. When that ability to pay decreases, the debt becomes a liability.
The great minds of Wall Street encouraged looser guidelines for loans, for they made huge fees selling the securitizations. This, in turn, allowed more people to qualify for loans, which forced more buyers into the housing market which created more competition and drove up real estate values.
Imagine it this way - There are ten rungs to the economic ladder in our society. Prior to 2001, only the top 4 rungs could afford to buy a house in the traditional manner, ie 20% down with no more than a 35% Debt to Income ratio. Every deviation from that allowed a few more on the lower rungs to buy a house. By 2006, the loan programs were so loose, almost 8 out of ten rungs could buy a house. That's a 100% increase in the number of buyers, in 5 years. Twice as much competition meant bidding on attractive houses often exceeded asking prices.
Wall Street was in a feeding frenzy. The frenzy lasted until everyone that would ever be able to buy a house had bought a house. Then, the need for more housing drops to nil. 10 families only need 10 houses. The upward pressure on housing valuations would dissipate. For speculators, that is bad. They only bought in hopes of making a profit. After granite countertops, SubZero refrigerators, Viking stoves and hardwood floors, they need for the market to move up.
I think even 6th graders would state that things could not always increase in price. After all, their Pokemon cards lost luster in time. Somehow, our economic leaders lost simple economic realities.
When everyone was able to buy a house, due to looser guidelines, any bump downward in the economy would cause a certain percentage (those at the bottom) to start defaulting. This was bound to happen when you could no longer introduce large numbers into the buyer pool. Add to the mix that builders have given us 26 million more units than families needing a roof. Compound this with loan guidelines which were established on the premise that refinance or selling at higher price was ALWAYS an option, and disaster was guaranteed.
The disaster is what the chart shows.
Reflected in the chart is devaluation of derivatives, and decline in stock price. What is not shown is the amount of derivatives, still being claimed at full, or near full, value in level3 accounting rules. Most of these banks, in reality, have no green bubble. Many need another color bubble, let's say yellow, to illustrate how much they are in the hole. Some financial companies, such as Citi, would have a bubble in yellow that is almost as big as the blue bubble.
That is right, their eventual losses will exceed their current value by several times. The losses, as unbelievable as this sounds, are only getting started in being written down. The world economy is on the edge of collapse with the losses today. What happens when those losses are increased ten-fold?
This is why many people are saying, have said, and will continue to say that any money given to the banks is lost forever. Our leaders, especially Bernanke and Paulson, have repeatedly lied about the problem.
I hope Obama is different than Bush. Picking Geithner as Treasury Secretary is not a step in the right direction. Bernanke is his boss at the Fed, and Geithner agreed with his every move, to date. Every move Bernanke has made has been exactly the wrong move. 0% batting average. How can you put him in at clean-up? Bernanke will have a yes man at his side.
Most importantly, for confidence in the US to increase, those at the top in Wall Street need to be jailed before war crimes are considered. If that does not happen, the effects of how bankrupt our financial institutions will come into play while Democrats and Republicans squabble over where to send the terrorists. Yes, it is an extremely important issue, I am not suggesting otherwise. I just think that a Global Systemic Financial collapse, in which chaos ensues around the world, makes where the prisoners at Guantanamo go a moot point.
No government program will abate the coming collapse unless two things immediately happen:
1) Jailing those that created and sold fraudulent structured financial products. The crimes are so pervasive that Goldman Sachs was buying insurance (CDS) on the CDO's they were selling, hoping to gain when (not if. they knew it would) that CDO collapsed.
2) Establishing a system for the orderly removal of level3 accounting rules and all level3 assets, namely structured debt based derivatives.
Yes, many of the names on the above chart, as well as countless other corporations, will instantaneously fail. But, most of the ones that fail had the biggest part in building our financial structure to this point. They will fail in as much as they helped cause the problem.
Then, and only then, can we begin to recapitalize those that are strong, and create new entities that are unencumbered by debt. Confidence can be guaranteed, because all would have full disclosure.
Because of this problem, which all governments and those at the top in corporations are intimately familiar with, nobody trusts anyone else. Even those in the media don't get it. I recently spent a good deal of time with an economic writer for a major global newspaper explaining derivatives to him and how corporations are valuing them. He has a degree in economics, and did not understand.
Well, the market in turmoil is making everyone a believer.
The big money has no confidence in a safe haven. Treasuries, all short term (the US government has been the largest buyer of long term for weeks now), will be sold en masse if gold begins its expected march. That will hurt the dollar, and we lose the ability to manage our debt, ie we will not be able to meet the interest payments on the bonds we have already issued. Then it is game, set, match.
Any, and I emphasize ANY ACTION that does not immediately tell the global financial world that we will not allow liars, cheaters and thieves to prosper, will have calamitous effects.
There is very little time left to deal with this issue.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
The Oriental Abyss
"Errors made in US economic policy-making, financial supervision and markets are the ultimate causes of the crisis," said Zhang Jianhua, research head at the People's Bank of China, in an opinion piece carried by the People's Daily.
"Such views are ridiculous and irresponsible in the extreme," Mr Zhang wrote in the harshly worded piece in the Communist Party's mouthpiece
China spends a large part of its forex reserves buying US debt, keeping interest rates down and creating the conditions for more spending by American consumers, economists have argued.
Beware who advises you
More often than not, the insiders to the transactions will benefit far more than the public, who paid for the road, through taxes, in the first place...
"On June 29, 2006, Indiana’s governor Mitch Daniels announced that Indiana had received $3.8 billion from a foreign consortium made up of the Spanish construction firm Cintra and the Macquarie Infrastructure Group (MIG) of Australia. In exchange the state handed over operation of a 157-mile Indiana toll road for the next seventy-five years. With the consortium collecting the tolls, which will eventually rise far higher, the privatized road should generate $11 billion for MIG-Cintra over the course of the contract.'
"In September 2005, Daniels solicited bids for the project, with Goldman Sachs serving as the state’s financial adviser—a role that would net the bank a $20 million advisory fee. When Goldman Sachs, one of the nation’s most active and most profitable investment banks, with deep connections to Washington, began advising Indiana on selling its toll road, it failed to mention the fact that, even as it was advising Indiana on how to get the best return, its Australian subsidiary’s mutual funds were ratcheting up their positions in MIG—becoming de facto investors in the deal. Many are suspicious that governors like Daniels across the nation are taking questionable advice from corporate investment banks—and from Washington."
Because of the recent market turmoil, many states have realized huge losses in their pension funds and other funds which they must pay out of on a regular basis. The sale of infrastructure can help abate some of those losses. The problem is it is a one time sale. Once any state or municipality sells a road, or a sewer system, or a water system, to a private entity, future revenue is gone. What will they do next year to replace that revenue. Raise taxes?
Only the future will tell us if this was a deal for you, or not. Judging by Goldman Sachs behavior over the last 7 years, don't hold your breath.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pay off your debt with more debt
So...., if the retailers, now owned by hedge funds and private equity groups, are allowed to pay their creditors with more debt, thus avoiding payments in cash, shouldn't you be able to pay off your credit card to these same retailers in the same fashion? Just send them a nice note, along with a signed and notarized IOU, explaining you will pay them, in a time frame you decide, the interest on what you owe. Never mind you agreed to pay a preset interest rate within a preset time frame. If they conduct themselves this way with whom they owe money to, you should, by law, be able to do the same to them. I say by law because corporations are viewed, by the intent of the law, to have life, just as you do. When a corporation shutters its doors, it dies, by law, and follows the same procedures of liquidation as you do.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Downgrading Tomorrow
What this means in real terms is this: Any publicly traded company or any fund used for investment must have reserves matching the risk represented in the securities they hold for investment. Bond issues (which all debt based derivatives are) rated AAA need very little capital to be held in reserve as a safety net should that bond issue go belly up. This is because anything rated AAA is assumed to have little or no risk of failing. As a bond issue loses its AAA rating, each downgrade significantly raises the amount of money needed to hold in reserve by the holder of that bond.
In the 4th quarter of 2008, $2.3 Trillion more of these bonds were downgraded. So, the reserves needed rose, in some cases, dramatically. Please, do not think of this in terms of only the 4th quarter 2008. There have been a lot more before this, and there will be a dramatic amount after this.
Guess where all that money from the "bailouts" is going. That's right, almost every penny is going to the reserve accounts as these derivatives are downgraded. That money cannot be used to lend out, because it is already covering part of the loss in value of these derivatives.
If Company Z has $1 Billion invested in a CDO, which was rated AAA when they bought it, what would the value be of that CDO be if it is now rated only A? I can tell you this, it ain't $1 Billion anymore. It may only return 80% of its purchase price. That's a 20% loss, or in the view of Company Z, a $200 Million loss. But, the reserve requirement needed from AAA to A may only have increased to $20 Million.
That is a $180 Million gap between known loss and reserve requirement. Should Company Z be forced to sell, today, that CDO, the reserve would only cover a fraction of the loss. The rest is "writedown" in accounting jargon.
The reason there are Billions of dollars in the bailouts is because there are hundreds of Trillions of dollars in derivatives. All based on debt that is falling in value. Most of these downgrades have reduced the ratings on derivatives far more than AAA to A. Many have gone to "junk" status, meaning they went from AAA to AA to A to BBB to BB to B, and now some have gone further. Because these derivatives are all predicated on housing values always going up, the reality they are really worth something close to ZERO is very likely.
It is not very honest for the talking heads on television to state "The banks are not lending because they are hoarding." The banks are using all the bailout money to meet the increasing reserve requirements as these derivatives are downgraded. The really bad part of all this is the reserve requirements are far, far less than the actual loss in value. The banks need the bailout money to be applied to their reserve accounts, or else they are forced to sell these derivatives, and instantaneously go bankrupt due to the aforementioned "gap."
That is correct. If the largest banks, pension funds, corporations etc were forced to sell their derivative holdings today, almost all of them will be out of business tomorrow.
Every penny given in all the bailouts is lost forever. It is, at best, a lie to suggest the American taxpayer will realize a gain on any of this bailout money. At worst, if you are a politician or able to influence investment, it is a felony to suggest this.
To date, globally there has only been around $20 trillion in "writedowns" (there may be more, it is the closest I can come with the available information.) There is somewhere between $600 Trillion to $1 Quadrillion in derivatives, again, hard to quantify exactly because almost all of these structured finance derivatives are bought and sold outside of any regulatory control. Almost all of these have been sold by US investment banks in the last 6 1/2 years.
What happens if all these derivatives are worth only 50% of their original value? A $300 Trillion dollar loss, at minimum? The world markets are already reeling with $20 Trillion in losses.
Until these derivatives are forced out into the open, and can be cleared from the system, our economy, no, the global economy, has no chance of recovery. Every day that goes by the losses mount. Every dollar that goes to help hide these derivatives is lost, because tomorrow they will be downgraded more.
Better to take our lumps today, than let tomorrow have us in a hole that is a few feet deeper.
Bailout Game
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The "BIG" Two ask for a Bailout
January 7, 2009
Porn industry seeks federal bailout
Posted: 05:27 PM ET
From CNN's Rebecca Sinderbrand and Mark Preston
Larry Flynt is asking for a bailout.
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Another major American industry is asking for assistance as the global financial crisis continues: Hustler publisher Larry Flynt and Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis said Wednesday they will request that Congress allocate $5 billion for a bailout of the adult entertainment industry.
“The take here is that everyone and their mother want to be bailed out from the banks to the big three,” said Owen Moogan, spokesman for Larry Flynt. “The porn industry has been hurt by the downturn like everyone else and they are going to ask for the $5 billion. Is it the most serious thing in the world? Is it going to make the lives of Americans better if it happens? It is not for them to determine.”
Francis said in a statement that “the US government should actively support the adult industry's survival and growth, just as it feels the need to support any other industry cherished by the American people."
“We should be delivering [the request] by the end of today to our congressmen and [Secretary of the Treasury Henry] Paulson asking for this $5 billion dollar bailout,” he told CNN Wednesday.
Flynt and Francis concede the industry itself is in no financial danger — DVD sales have slipped over the past year, but Web traffic has continued to grow.
But the industry leaders said the issue is a nation in need. "People are too depressed to be sexually active," Flynt said in the statement. "This is very unhealthy as a nation. Americans can do without cars and such but they cannot do without sex."
"With all this economic misery and people losing all that money, sex is the farthest thing from their mind. It's time for congress to rejuvenate the sexual appetite of America. The only way they can do this is by supporting the adult industry and doing it quickly."
So far, there has been no congressional reaction to the request.
–CNN’s Chloe Melas contributed to this report
Friday, January 2, 2009
"In today's regulatory environment, it's virtually impossible to violate rules."
Bernard Madoff, money manager, Oct. 20, 2007
"Existing-Home Sales to Trend Up in 2008"
Headline of a National Association of Realtors press release, Dec. 9, 2007
On Dec. 23, 2008, the same group said November sales were running at an annual rate of 4.5 million—down 11% from a year earlier—in the worst housing slump since the Depression.
There has not been one single month in the last two years the NAR has NOT revised their previous numbers downwards. The revision always comes a month or two later. Expect the November numbers to really be around 4.1 million annualized.
"I expect there will be some failures. … I don't anticipate any serious problems of that sort among the large internationally active banks that make up a very substantial part of our banking system."
Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve chairman, Feb. 28, 2008. In September, Washington Mutual became the largest financial institution in U.S. history to fail. Citigroup needed an even bigger rescue in November.
"I'm not an economist but I do believe that we're growing."
President George W. Bush, in a July 15, 2008 press conference.
"A very powerful and durable rally is in the works. But it may need another couple of days to lift off. Hold the fort and keep the faith!"
Richard Band, editor, Profitable Investing Letter, Mar. 27, 2008. At the time of the prediction, the Dow Jones industrial average was at 12,300. By late December it was at 8,500.
AIG "could have huge gains in the second quarter."
Bijan Moazami, analyst, Friedman, Billings, Ramsey, May 9, 2008. AIG wound up losing $5 billion in that quarter and $25 billion in the next. It was taken over in September by the U.S. government, which will spend or lend $300 - 350 billion to keep it afloat. Most of that will go to Goldman Sachs, as they were AIG's biggest purchaser of CDS.
May 9 - $40.28 per share. Dec. 31 - $1.57 per share
"I think Bob Steel's the one guy I trust to turn this bank around, which is why I've told you on weakness to buy Wachovia."
Jim Cramer, CNBC commentator, Mar. 11, 2008. Two weeks later, Wachovia came within hours of failure as depositors fled. Wachovia shares were at $27 on March 11 - By Dec. 31, they were at $5.50. Thanks for the 80% loss, Jimbo.
"It's not based on any particular data point. We just wanted to choose a really large number"
A US Treasury Department spokeswoman explaining how they settled on $700bn for the first 'bailout' of the economy. Reported on forbes.com
"I think this is a case where Freddie Mac (FRE) and Fannie Mae (FNM) are fundamentally sound. They're not in danger of going under…I think they are in good shape going forward."
Barney Frank (D-Mass.), House Financial Services Committee chairman, July 14, 2008. Two months later, the government forced the mortgage giants into conservatorships and pledged to invest up to $100 billion in each.
To date, the total has exceeded $1.75 Trillion given FNM and FRE, with another $5 Trillion pledged. All the money spent so far was to repurchase MBS sold by FRE and FNM to overseas investors, mainly the Chinese.
“Anyone who says we’re in a recession, or heading into one — especially the worst one since the Great Depression — is making up his own private definition of “recession.’”
Commentator Donald Luskin the day before Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, The Washington Post, Sept. 14.
And, the best for last......
Andrew Lahde, a hedge fund manager who quit after winning big betting against the big financial companies, wins the award for gracious farewell in his valedictory note to his investors, who were up 866%from the start. Lahde's Hedge Fund was only one year old when he quit:
"The low-hanging fruit, i.e. idiots whose parents paid for prep school, Yale and then the Harvard MBA, was there for the taking... All of this behaviour supporting the aristocracy only ended up making it easier for me to find people stupid enough to take the other side of my trades. God bless America."